@unixporn #unixporn #programming
- distro: @alpinelinux
- shell: #fishShell
- display server: #wayland
- font: #Iosevka Fixed Nerd Font Mono
- window manager: #sway
- terminal emulator: @wez’s #WezTerm
- status bar: #waybar
- launcher: #wofi
- fetch: #neofetch
- process viewer: #htop
- editor: @neovim
- browser: @qutebrowser
- PDF reader: #zathura
- email client: @drewdevault’s #aerc
- chat (Matrix) client: @ulyssa’s #iamb
- social media (Mastodon) client: @tut
Link to wallpaper?
Added a link to the repository in the OP. The original author is credited in the project’s readme. My recolor of their work is in
.Thanks for the interest!