He missed a cash dividend.

It’s odd to me every time a dividend comes up I see people against it, or they want a NFT dividend like the DTCC can’t BS their way through that. I don’t think a NFT dividend would work. It was tried once when Overstock was shorted and it flopped.

Cash is king and there is no substitute for cash in the market. They can’t pay out monopoly money or IOU’s when a cash dividend happens. If Gamestop hands the DTCC X amount of dollars and says this is for a $1 dividend to each shareholder, the shorts are fucked. They have to pay the full amount of the dividend to every shareholder who bought a naked short and they have to pay out of pocket.

Apparently RC can invest Gamestop funds in stocks now, and I saw a great suggestion that Gamestop should invest in dividend stocks and then issue a “pass through dividend” to shareholders when those stocks issue dividends. So say Gamestop invests in Coca Cola - when Coke issues a dividend, Gamestop would simply pass that cash onto GME shareholders as a dividend. So we get a cash dividend, paid for by Coke.

And every time that happens, the shorts have to pay the difference. All the naked shorts they’ve issued over the past 3+ years also get the dividend.

This is how we blow up the Ponzi scheme.

Every time they short sell more, they get more money. How do we use the naked shorts against them? A cash dividend.

It’s the killing blow and that’s why every time it comes up, people are against it. Think of it as a litmus test. Who is part of a fifth column and actually working against us?

    10 months ago

    a lot of interesting ideas. i love hearing all of the various ideas.

    there was an interesting perspective a few days ago, which said TLDR:

    GME could quite literally fire everyone tomorrow, close all stores, liquidate, and become a proxy holding for SPY, and shorts would still lose long term. Buying and holding SPY long term is a smart move to ensure profits and survival. Buying GME shares then essentially becomes buying SPY with a cherry on top (MOASS).

    i tend to believe, over a long enough timeline, the position of our opponents becomes untenable, one way or another. So long as GME can demonstrate consistent positive results, regardless specifically how it does so, there will be no way to stop it

    10 months ago

    I don’t think a NFT dividend would work. It was tried once when Overstock was shorted and it flopped.

    Overstock’s digital dividend story: “Overstock announced a plan to issue a digital dividend in Sept. ’19. After a legal fight with short sellers, the issuance took place on May 19th, ’20. Overstock share price began to climb prior to issuance and then sky-rocketed just after, gaining near 25x within 6 months.”

    10 months ago

    Let’s do both an NFT and a cash dividend. Why throw one monkey wrench into the machine when you can throw two at the same time.

    10 months ago

    You had me up until the purity test:

    Think of it as a litmus test. Who is part of a fifth column and actually working against us?

    Just because I haven’t given up on an NFT dividend, as you have, doesn’t mean I’m part of a fifth column or that I’m actually working against you.

    I can and do believe both dividend options are viable. I am eager to see either one come to fruition. I am not your enemy. 💎🤙