Hi all! I’m super glad to be among the first posters in the Arma community on Lemmy!!

So, straight to the point: I’ve been running a dedicated Antistasi server for a few months now and am looking to recruit a few additional folks to play with us. Normally it’s just me and one or two of my buddies with the occasional fourth, but we’d like to one day see at least 6-10 people online in the evenings to run ops. We’ve conquered Takistan and Chernarus 2020 already and are currently fielding a Tanoa campaign. I’ll drop our details below, feel free to leave a comment here or shoot me a message if you have any questions:

  • Vibe: Casual, semi-serious
  • Lang: EN
  • Timezone: EST
  • Active Times: ~20:00 -> 2:00
  • Game Mode/Map: Antistasi Plus on Tanoa
  • Discord Link: https://discord.gg/q47pZkUpTX
  • Land_Strider@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I wish you guys a lot of fun on Tanoa! A buddy of mine, with another buddy that joined from time to time, finished a Tanoa Antistasi run earlier this year and it was great. The heavy vegetation, curvy ambushable roads, separated islands warranting airborne invasions are some of the things that made Tanoa Antistasi experience a lot more enjoyable for our duo/trio. We also like to play with RHS USAF/AFRF/GREF in an us independent GREF vs occupier USAF/AFRF vs invader USAF/AFRF for best feeling of progression by stealing those better vehicles and weapons from those superior forces.

    Wish we had time to join you guys. Hopefully people like us duos/trios will find you and join you!