Currently I have a Boox e-ink reader, but I learned that they don’t last that much and their post-sale support is the worst. I see that this device will fail in the next 6-12 months, what e-ink readers (that it is NOT A KINDLE) would you recommend? I’m interested on reading both .epub and whatever is the current kindle app format, along with PDFs, being able to add notes is not super critical.



  • MikeT
    9 months ago

    Why are you presuming it will fail in the next year?

    People that have no issues with their devices aren’t going to post online out of nowhere saying it is working okay. We are more likely to see bad/negative issues mostly.

    Why not just keep using your current device until then and if it fails, you ask this then. It doesn’t make sense to ask now because in a year, eink devices may be different and or better devices may have come out.

    CES is a few weeks away, we might hear about next gen eink tech.