Do you have that “One Game” that you seems to come back to every year like a clockwork? Replaying it either just for the sake of it, nostalgia, or even finishing it again?

I got a few. Skyrim is one of them but it’s most likely just to have fun with installing mods and then play it only for an hour xD But I got one that I always replay and finish once a year, which is Mass Effect Trilogy, and recently the Remastered version of it.

How about you?

    1 year ago

    I used to replay Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2 at least once a year. I’ve been pretty soured on the series since 3 so I haven’t done it in years. Doesn’t help I only play on PC now and the KH games are $60 each/Epic exclusives so I’m pretty disincentivized from buying them.