By reading about the new inclementations on Google I decided to leave from Google services entirely, already stoping using Windows for 6 month and Chrome, but sttil dont sure about a gmail(Some important things are signed in gmail accont) and some services like Youtube and some android telemetry(already rooted)

  • CrypticCoffee
    1 year ago

    True, but they could easily build stuff that could parse bodies from commonly used companies. Amazon for one (paypal maybe another), it would be easy to parse that and extract key information about your purchasing habits and times of purchase. AI is quite reasonable in the field though. From what I have been told, a company called DeXT (formally Receipt Bank) can scan invoices and email and quite successfully extract key purchasing information for accountancy purposes. To assume a company on Google’s scale with their resources and capabilities could not extract information they are curious about would be underestimating them.

    I also have severe doubts about their honesty from other things I have stumbled across which I’d rather not discuss publicly :).