• limelight79
    9 months ago

    In 2023, I rode 4,500 miles (7,200 km), of which about 3k was outdoor and the rest indoor on Zwift. My goal was 4,000 miles, which I hit at the end of November. I was on a road trip for about 4 weeks in 2023, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to ride much during that time (I got a few rides in, but nothing like I would have at home), so I’m surprised I hit the goal so soon.

    Failed goal: I like to do at least one imperial century each year, but in 2023 I did not achieve that goal - I was all ready to go, building up my endurance for long rides in the preceding weekends, then I got sick AND the weather was miserable the weekend I would have done it. Dang. The ride was rescheduled, but we were out of town that day, so I couldn’t join. My longest ride in 2023 was 92 miles (148 km).

    Achievement, aside from the miles: Since late July, I’ve been riding a metric century or more each weekend, except for about 5 weekends when other things intervened (the sickness and weather above was one; one was a mechanical issue where I still got ~55 miles; the rest were other commitments that didn’t allow time to ride). I don’t know why I’m doing it, other than because it’s kind of interesting. There’s no larger overall goal.

    Goals for 2024:

    • Same mileage goal, 4,000 miles. I just don’t see how I could increase that significantly without dumping oodles of extra time into it that I just don’t have. Fortunately the 4k isn’t a major motivation for me - it’s useful to see where I am throughout the year compared to what I now “usually” ride, but I didn’t stop riding when I hit it early in 2023.
    • Finish building my rocker plate for Zwift (that should be in the next week or two, hopefully) - I have the major components but will need to get the hardware to assemble it yet.
    • Continue my weekly metric-or-more riding, as much as possible. I know there will be some I miss, but that’s okay. If I accomplish, say, 42 of them (missing 10 weekends), that’s roughly 2,600 miles right there.
    • Go on a bike tour. I built a gravel/road touring bike a few weeks ago, now I need to use it. I haven’t figured out what I want to do yet, maybe Cumberland or Pittsburgh to DC.