#WhatchaReading ? I read Untamed by E.M. Moore because Cate C. Wells recommended it and… well, it’s an absorbing and pretty hot story if you like the rejected mate trope, but the world building is absent and/or ridiculous, and the author relied too much on a thesaurus, I think. Might read the second book, might not. Perhaps just to see if maybe we ever find out if shifters are known to the outside world or hidden.


  • Viggo Bergman@romancelandia.club
    9 months ago

    I’m listening to “Iron Flame” - my book group decided to do The Empyrean and I’m not hating it (although the slangy tone of the dialogue is a weird note in the world building). After I finished my Clavell re-read, I’m now reading Serena Bell’s “So Close”, the first in her Tierney Bay series, since one of my libraries added that on #libbyApp and I am a Bell completist. @romancelandia @willaful @romancebooks