If so…… then why should we be sending aid to third world countries so they can barely survive, keep multiplying ; require more aid and in some cases to move migrate to different countries due to upheaval from overpopulation.

  • SJ0@lemmy.fbxl.net
    1 year ago

    I did some math, and if we want to keep having the quality of life we have and we want to go with “green technologies” and stop using fossil fuels, we can’t have as many people on the planet. Simple as.

    If people care so deeply that they want to “STOP OIL NOW” then a lot of people all around the world will have to die, and a lot of the poorest nations will be hit hardest, and we shouldn’t be importing people from low energy use jurisdictions to high energy use jurisdictions.

    Basically, going fully green isn’t of any benefit to the progressive project.

    • Kapow@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      Implementing “green technologies” that are of marginal net benefit at best at the cost of human life seems like a poor choice.

      Of course, if you are truly committed to the cause you can always visit Canada where they will gladly help you reduce the world’s population by 1.