How do people deal with left-leaning liberals that see that capitalism is leading to the inevitable destruction of human society, even recognize Israel is committing genocide, and other progressive opinions but refute every revolution or revolutionary action. The “communism won’t work because human nature”, “the USSR was communist”, “(Stalin|Mao|Castro) killed x million but the US killed 5,000 in industrialization”, state dept. parrots. How do people talk with those that get so close but refute any praxis. I know this topic has been discussed before and links to other talking points would be good.

  • itsawildrideoutthere [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    I think the excellent “full spectrum resistance” has a very good chapter on what it takes for someone to be radicalized, breaking it down into three needs, personal galvanizing experiences(experiencing racism, getting bonked on the head by a cop, etc)

    radical catalysts(time and space to ponder things, analytical tools to examine experiences, intrinsic optimism that things can get better)

    and action needs,
    A community of people to take action with. Models for action. A mental narrative of how social change happens (or an imminent danger that demands immediate response). A sense that winning is possible, or perhaps that they have nothing left to lose. Biographical availability.

    If they dont have these things, they can become embittered, soured, “curdled idealists” and not active in their pursuits.

    I think if you can help a given person find these “radical triad” , encourage them to read analytical marxist books, help attend protests with a friend or other models of action, etc. than that can be a powerful way to create an active radical.