This is the longest for a long time I have entirely avoided video games. (except for Duolingo if we are being technical)

I feel pretty good. Trying to get into new hobbies. I am probably picking more up than I should, but I want to see what sticks and I’d rather spend time with dabbling into something that doesn’t work out than falling back into g’ming.

I have to remind myself that for most people one week without video games is pretty fucking normal and I feel pretty goofy for being proud about it at all.

I know there is a lot to say about abstinence approaches, but I tried to regulate it and it didn’t really work, so hopefully this way succeeds.

  • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    8 months ago

    I’m doing something similar. I’m only playing videos on Saturdays. I have uninstalled the majority of my collection and only the games I know I will play on Saturdays are installed. I think it’s helping me focus on my other self-improvement goals. I love gaming, I really do, but right now gaming isn’t going to get me where I want to go, so I’m scaling it to Saturdays only.

    Additionally I have made the deal with myself I won’t buy any new titles in 2024. I’m only playing games I already own.