message from a socialist in india:


Today, our nation is facing a crisis. Our democracy and our constitution are under an unprecedented assault. In the last nine years, we have witnessed a brick-by-brick dismantling of our republic. We have seen a brute majoritarian takeover of the democratic apparatus, subversion of institutions, suppression of press, stifling of freedom of expression, criminalization of dissent, breakdown of rule of law, use of state and street power to crush political opponents, and a forcible takeover of parliamentary democracy. We have seen a roll-back of the secular state, de-facto demotion of religious minorities to second grade citizenship, state sponsored campaigns of hatred and bigotry, retreat from affirmative action, sanction of caste-based oppression and exclusion, and blatant endorsement of patriarchal norms and practices.

We have seen ordinary people facing the brunt of economic recession, unemployment, and inflation, while the ruling party remains busy favouring its crony capitalists, defending their financial frauds, and selling the national assets. We have seen the rise of a diabolic propaganda machine — led by the mainstream media which has turned into a megaphone for the government — to cover up the current regime’s criminal indifference in handling the COVID pandemic, professional incompetence in managing the economy, and dereliction of the national duty in safeguarding the country’s borders.

The last few years have seen an unprecedented rise in hate and violence against minorities, dalits, women, and tribals. BJP leaders have publicly given hate speeches and made calls for violence. BJP-led governments have encouraged, sponsored and protected rioters. Our religious festivals have been captured by political mobs. The Modi Government has protected and sheltered rapists, even after numerous protests. The Government has encouraged hate and violence against minorities for electoral gains. Manipur has been burning with ethnic violence for over six months, with numerous human rights violations and crimes against women.

The pro-corporate policies of the Modi Government have pushed the farmers and workers in a terrible tragedy. Rising unemployment, falling income, and inflation have wreaked havoc on the working class. Jobs are being casualized and privatized. Regular employment is shrinking. Real wages are declining. The Modi Government, which came to power with the promise of doubling of the farmers’ income, has shamelessly betrayed the farmers.

Economic inequality is at its peak. While the poor and middle-class are burdened with taxes, the rich continue to enjoy massive tax cuts and loan waivers. Numerous allegations of corruption and corporate fraud have been covered-up. Meanwhile, India has slipped to 111th position among 125 countries in the Global Hunger Index, while three-fourth of the population is unable to afford a healthy diet.

Last few years have seen numerous environmental and ecological disasters across India driven by Government’s policies. Overriding environmental concerns and objections raised by environmentalists and scientists, the Modi Government has pursued disastrous projects. Environmental laws have been diluted to allow corporate exploitation of the environment, while Forest Law has been amended to allow corporate takeover of forests and drive the tribals off their lands.

Over the past few years, we have seen a collapse of democracy in India. Institutions like CBI, ED, IT, have been compromised and turned into a political weapon. Judiciary and Election Commission is under relentless attack. Media has become a propaganda arm of the ruling party. Attacks against political rivals have become a norm. The ruling party has forcibly taken over the Parliament. Any form of dissent is crushed. There is a concerted attack against the constitution and an attempt to turn the nation into an authoritarian state.

At the same time, the Modi Government has targeted universities, colleges, and academic institutions. Activists and intellectuals, who dare speak against the regime, are persecuted and incarcerated. Textbooks have been revised to replace scientific and historical facts with propaganda and falsehood. Government has openly promoted unscientific and irrational ideas. Instead of education and employment, the Government has put swords and sticks in the hands of our future.

Today, our nation stands at a pivotal moment in its history. Another term for the BJP-RSS at the centre will mean an abrogation of the constitution, and an end of the democratic republic. We cannot afford to remain neutral when our nation is in crisis. We cannot remain ashore when the values of our freedom struggle are under attack. We cannot remain silent when our constitution is under an assault, and our hard-won freedom, earned after a long struggle and countless sacrifices, is taken away.

The 2024 General Election is a “DO OR DIE” moment for Indian Democracy. It is no longer an election between two coalitions, but a “REFERENDUM ON OUR REPUBLIC”. Our choices and our actions will have far-reaching and long-term consequences for our nation’s history. Dethroning the current regime is necessary to keep alive a functional democracy that provides space for dissent, opposition, struggle, and resistance.

Today, we stand at a moment of reckoning in our collective tryst with destiny. Today, the time has come to redeem our pledge. To stand together against the assault on democracy. To unite against the dismantling of our constitution. To fight against the hatred and oppression. It is essential, that every one of us, must play our part, and more, in this struggle for our freedom.

failure of modi

One of the most distinguishable feature of 10 years of Modi Government has been the gross incompetence shown by the regime in every aspect of the administration.

In 2016, Modi announced the demonetization of banknotes, at a four-hour notice. The entire nation was thrown into panic. Over 100 people died standing in queues. Everything — from small businesses to everyday life — was thrown into chaos and suffering, while Modi was joking about people’s conditions. The Government was so unprepared for the move, that new notes hadn’t even been printed yet, and couldn’t be dispensed by the ATM. Modi Government kept changing the goals of the demonetization, from action against black money, to curbing terrorism, to bringing cashless economy. Yet, it was clear that the only result of the policy was a massive hit to the national economy and destruction of the informal sector.

In 2017, the Modi Government introduced GST, riddled with flaws, its rules were amended dozens of times within a month. Against the objective of uniform taxation, GST introduced five different tax rates, apart from cess. GST dealt a massive blow to federalism.

By 2018, the effects of demonetization and GST visible, and the economic growth slowed down. Meanwhile, the unemployment was rising. Instead of addressing the issue, Modi asked whether selling pakoda in front of news studios and earning ₹200 a day would not count as employment. In 2019, a leaked NSSO report revealed that unemployment was at a 45-year-high. The report was suppressed, and further NSSO surveys were stopped.

In 2019, the Pulwama attack happened, where 40 CRPF personnel were killed. Yet, Modi who was shooting Man vs Wild at the time of the attack, continued with his program for hours. Instead of accepting responsibility, he began exploiting the attack to seek votes in the name of national security. It was later revealed that the Modi Government had received 11 intelligence reports of a possible attack before Pulwama, and refused to provide security to the CRPF despite repeated requests.

After the 2019 election, the Modi Government went into a hyperdrive with its communal agenda. The Government introduced Citizenship Amendment Act, a provision to grant the Citizenship of India, to non-Muslim illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan who entered India before 2014. Which meant, for the first time, the Citizenship of India has been linked to religious identity. Massive protests erupted across India. Meanwhile, the Government attacked the universities of JMI, JNU and DU to quell the protests. Peaceful protesters were arrested, while BJP leaders like Kapil Mishra, Anurag Thakur, and Parvesh Verma, openly gave hate speeches.

In 2020, the COVID pandemic struck, and the Government imposed a nationwide lockdown at a four-hour notice. Millions of workers went unemployed. Migrant workers were thrown into an immense suffering, many of them choosing to walk thousands of kilometers rather than suffering from starvation. Thousands of people were killed. With loss of jobs and incomes, millions fell faced hunger and starvation.

In 2020, during the lockdown, the Government conspired with the corporations to weaken India’s environmental laws, and to allow corporate takeover of dense forests. The Government also conspired to allow corporate takeover of agriculture, and force the farmers to become bonded labourers. The farmers fought a historic battle, and after the sacrifice of 800 farmers, the Government was forced to take back the black laws.

In 2020, in the Galwan valley conflict 20 army jawans laid down their lives defending our borders. Yet, to save his face, Modi claimed that China did not enter Indian territories. The statement was a major setback to India, and contradicted India Army’s stand. Reports revealed that India had lost access to 26 out of 65 Patrolling Points in eastern Ladakh, after China occupied over 1000 sq km of Indian territories. China constructed roads and villages inside Indian territories in Arunachal Pradesh, while Modi Government kept awarding massive contracts to Chinese firms.

A few months later, the second wave of COVID struck. Despite warnings, Modi government let India sleepwalk into its largest humanitarian crisis. 47 lakh people died, due to Government’s incompetence. People were suffocating without oxygen, and dying without hospital beds. There was not enough space in crematoriums, and rivers were overflowing with dead bodies.

Meanwhile, the Government kept endorsing and protecting hate-mongers. Open call for genocide and rape were made in public rallies. In December 2021, at a Dharma Sansad organized in Haridwar, speakers gave call for genocide, assassinations, and civil war.

2022 saw massive protests against unemployment. The entire North India erupted in protest after the Government brought the Agnipath scheme. Large-scale riots and arson happened in Bihar, UP and other states. The annoyed youths targeted BJP offices and set them on fire.

2023 witnessed a massive ethnic conflicts and civil war in Manipur. Despite having a “double engine” government, the Modi has not even visited the state. He has refused to meet the delegation from Manipur, and has refused to remove the Chief Minister. The state has been burning for seven months.

In December 2023, four youths protesting against unemployment breached the Parliament. Modi refused to address the house on this security incident. Meanwhile, over 140 MPs were suspended from the Parliament, and crucial laws, threatening civil liberties, were bulldozed without debates. Earlier, in August, the Government passed laws to allow digital surveillance.

  • TWeaK
    9 months ago

    Well exactly. It’s easier to organise disinformation campaigns if you group them together.