I have a lot of anxiety over going to the gym. I know logically it doesnt make any sense and it’s something I need to get over but that’s a huge barrier for preventing me from getting more active. I always feel like I’m doing something wrong and then consequentially looking really stupid somehow, or some asshole will make a gym tiktok and i’ll be in it or something. again, i know this is illogical, but it’s just how i always end up feeling when i work out at a gym. not to mention, even when i do work out there, i have no idea what the hell i’m doing. I know i should have a notebook and a specific routine, but how do I make a routine? should i focus on individual muscles daily, or do several in a day? what do i do if i don’t feel like i need a rest period in between excersises, but if i add more weight or reps, i can’t complete it? how do i find a middle ground with that? any advice would help me so much, so if you’d like to add your two cents i would be thankful. happy new year, comrades. tia

  • muddi [he/him]@hexbear.net
    9 months ago

    It was useful for me when I first started to use an app.

    On Android, I’ve used Progression and Strong, but anything works, even pen and paper. I just found the apps more useful because they have built in programs, instructions with visuals and videos, and previous history. Also, I felt like I blended in more just alternating between looking at my phone and lifting, like a pro, no awkward staring at the equipment and wondering.

    Additionally I spent some time before starting any new program or exercise to watch videos on them to know how to do them correctly and safely. Jeremy Ethier on YouTube was whom I watched mostly.

    As for programs, 5x5 was decent as a start to gain strength and confidence. Then you can explore more complicated ones after you get a hang of it. 3 days a week with at least a day in between is good enough IMO, and I still stick to it after many years.

    Feeling sore is normal. Just don’t work out a sore muscle. Give it at least a day of rest. Also, don’t overdo it. There’s nothing wrong with lower weights and less reps when you are tired. Pay attention to your muscles, feel them working and listen when they scream at you to stop for the day. You always have next week to get back to it.

    Things will take time. Follow through, and follow up with your diet and healthy habits. You’ll see improvement after a few weeks/months, and within a year you may look and feel like a different person. I remember crying in the shower the first time I noticed my muscles and actually felt strong for once in my life. Good luck, and I hope you have a similar experience!