This is only one of the many shitty statues in this godforsaken bordertown. Theyre all private property too so cant be removed by legal means besides by the owner. Theres so much bullshit about that place fucking hate it. Gonna start regularly using hexbear more so hopefully people like hearing me rant about Rapid City because I got a whole ass post Im gonna make and you know how my effort posting goes. GWB will get the least of it by the time Im done haha

  • happybadger [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Bronze disease is an irreversible and nearly inexorable corrosion process that occurs when chlorides come into contact with bronze or other copper-bearing alloys.[1] It can occur as both a dark green coating, or as a much lighter whitish fuzzy or furry green coating.[1] It is not a bacterial infection, but the result of a chemical reaction with the chlorides that usually occurs due to contamination of the bronze object by saltwater or from burial in specific types of soil where chloride salts are present.[1] If not treated, complete destruction of the affected artifact is possible.[1] Treatment is very difficult, costly and not always effective.

    This statue already seems to have it on the legs from de-icing salts or something. It’d be a shame if you started spraying super salty water on its face every time you walk past.