I was just banned from !adhd@lemmy.dbzer0.com with the following modlog: Harassment. Do not come to random communities for your grudges, Use the rerport button when actual issues occur. I like ADHD memes, it wasn’t a random community. But that aside, Lemmy is designed so that I can’t follow this advice, because banned users cannot submit reports. So I am doing my best to follow the instructions as closely as possible, and submitting this post in lieu of a report. Stamets repeatedly called me a slur directed at people with NPD, which I have, off-community and defended it on dbzer0. MetaCubed also called me a slur after its status as a slur was pointed out. I ask for instance bans for both of them, because slurs directed at members of a marginalised group from outside are obviously in violation of the anarchist code of conduct. I would be submitting this as a literal report if I were able.

  • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
    134 months ago

    Take a step back for a second.

    From what I see, you’ve been given a lot of chances by various mods so far, across your very large quantity of alt accounts on several instances.

    Posting a comment like this is not very nice IMO, regardless of how you feel about the OP. In most communities this would be an instant ban for harassment. Looking at a separate example you posted to your lemmy community !dronerights@lemm.ee, that beehaw admin was extremely patient with you and tried their hardest not to ban you, but you continued.

    How would you feel if someone started attacking you on every single post you made? And then started creating alt accounts to evade it? It would get annoying after a while, and from there only escalate. Even if one user called you something you consider nasty, that isn’t a reason to persistently go out of your way to attack them.

    If you can, please reconsider how you interact with people on Lemmy, you could eventually end up pushing the admins to a point where they take a more heavy handed approach towards you and your alts

    • ExocrinousOP
      04 months ago

      From what I see, you’ve been given a lot of chances by various mods so far, across your very large quantity of alt accounts on several instances.

      I haven’t been given any chances. Every single mod banned me on the first offense within their community, and in 100% of cases, my “offense” was being disabled or a leftist. The only exception to this is Ada of Blahaj zone, who was the only mod that gave me a warning, but again, banned me for being opposed to fascist dogwhistles. I am more interested in obeying my personal code of ethics than in self-preservation. I say these controversial things like “disabled people deserve rights”, knowing full well the consequences. I’m not a fool, I do not expect to “win” at any of these confrontations. That is not my concern. What is my concern, is being able to walk away from these interactions feeling that I did the right thing. That I was not a coward. That I did not choose personal convenience over my ideals. I am perfectly capable of masking as a neurotypical and engaging in the fascism that is enforced in our culture. But I am not capable of getting along with the rise of neo-nazism without feeling that I have betrayed myself on a fundamental level. I make a conscious choice every time I get into these fights to keep my ideals, even knowing the cost. Knowing the panic attacks it will cause me to be so hated, given my disability. My actions are the shape of my dream.

  • Eevoltic
    54 months ago

    I think I’ve had enough internet for today after reading all the comment threads; actually, I think we’ve all had enough—can we shut down the internet please?