• PoliticalAgitator
    1 year ago

    The world over, neoliberalism has created managed democracy. You can have the red neoliberals that are cruel and racist or the blue neoliberals that give you crumbs and pretend to be sad but one way or another, you’re getting a neoliberal.

    Because as you saw first hand, whenever they’re threatened with an actual progressive, they have a class solidarity the rest of us can only dream of.

    “Left-leaning” and “right-leaning” news outlets – all of them coincidentally owned and operated by the ultra-wealthy – united to call him a kook.

    His own party repeatedly sold him out because they’d rather give Trump the best spot at the trough than get their own snouts out of it.

    Sleazy corporations pooled their pennies to astroturf the ever loving fuck out of the internet and a hostile foreign government used Julian Assange to ensure the money kept flowing no matter the war crimes.

    All backed by a bullshit economic philosphy that never comes true, but makes them filthy rich with every failure.

    But in AOCs defense, the worst thing we could do is let infighting stop us from ever gaining the foothold we need to start prying these people from power.

    And anything is better than fascists.