Seems kind of undemocratic to ignore the demands of the people that voted for you.

He was elected on the pretense that he would cancel student loans, stop covid, fix healthcare, stop the border camps, etc. But he hasn’t done any of those things.

Pretty sorry democracy the US has. Some free country should liberate them.

  • FunkyStuff [he/him]
    9 months ago

    A little kitty cat called Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

    Also, really funny how when some third world country nationalizes their lithium reserves (or even does as much as sway to another side geopolitically, as Ukraine did) the US just coups them and makes sure the correct policy agenda goes through. But when people at home ask for even a mild reform to the most broken, insane healthcare system in the world, liberals come out of the woodworks saying we gotta check what the cuckoo clock says and run a lap around the parliamentarian. Be for real, if Biden or any other ghoul actually wanted to get change done, they would’ve sent Joe Manchin and Sinema an overhead shot of their bedroom and dig out a million old skeletons from their closets, because that’s how power operates. You’ve deluded yourself into thinking this elaborate trapezoid of checks and balances works in your favor when it’s just Calvinball.