The Conservatives face almost total wipeout in Wales at the next general election, according to a new poll, with just two Tories remaining and none in North Wales. A poll of 14,000 people has predicted Rishi Sunak’s losses could be record-breaking with the possibility of Labour replicating victory on the scale of their 1997 landslide, reports WalesOnline.

The YouGov poll, published in The Telegraph, shows Labour would take 385 seats with the Conservatives dropping to 169. For the Tories that’s 196 fewer seats than in 2019, which would be more than the 178 Sir John Major lost in 1997.

  • NavarianOPM
    8 months ago

    Yeah I feel that, luckily I live in an area that Plaid Cymru has a strong base so it’s plausible they win here. Same with Scotland and the SNP. Elsewhere in England where there are fewer options besides Reform or Lib Dems with no Greens stronghold, I feel for.