• repungnant_canary@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Long story short, it’s the evolutionary cycle of slurs. Slurs over time so they lose their offensiveness and new ones come in their place. Decades ago “idiot”, “devil” or “shit” were hugely offensive now we use them as normal words. Now we are at the point when sexuality-based slurs slowly lose their power and racial slurs take their place.

      My guess is that it could be partially caused by social changes - younger generations are not forbidden (and sometimes even encouraged) to openly discuss sexuality so sexual words are not taboo for them anymore so they can’t offend them anymore. But racism for them is a big and very serious issue so new slurs are related to that topic. I can imagine though that in the next century when racism is not an issue anymore, people might use n-word in jokes.

      • doctorcrimson@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        More importantly, though, Gender divides do not even approach the magnitude problems that arise from Racial and Ethnic divisions. While it’s possible to take away one gender’s rights and freedoms in subservience to the other, the two genders have and will always comprise one people that they both belong to, incapable of existing without the other at any large scale. On the other hand, racial divides can and have lead to a sort of segregation that divides peoples and historically they have attempted to eradicate each other on many occasions. Sure, a product of the past you might try to argue, but a wound that lingers and festers in a way that makes silly gender disputes look cute.

        EDIT: Hang on, were they talking about LGBTQ slurs when they said “Sexuality Based”? I can see how being called a fag might upset somebody back in Vietnam, but I think most people actually use it as a term of endearment these days? It’s at least no more insulting than Retard is.