• darthfabulous42069
        1 year ago

        No, it’s true. I’ve met centrists before and this is exactly how they act: they have nothing but criticism for the left and never think to apply it to the right. You’ll never hear a centrist criticizing someone on the right for having guns at or being violent during protests. Or calling out the right on their blatant bigotry, instead they defend it. Or calling out the right on flying swastika flags and bearing obvious Nazi regalia at protests, because the underlying assumption all centrists have is that “the right wing adopted these symbols and fascist ideology, therefore those symbols and fascist ideologies are legitimate and valid simply by the right holding them” and you can’t see the problem with that. They often use the bandwagon fallacy to justify this; “there are 100 million Republicans, they’re still Americans and the left has to get along with them whether they want to or not” when the right has stated emphatically, over and over again, that they want to cut out part of the United States and turn it into an independent, fascist, Christian dominionist autarky of their own – meaning they don’t actually consider themselves Americans anymore.

        No centrist ever calls them out on this. But they’ll emotionally abuse, criticize and nitpick every single little thing the left does, with talking points they heard from lame 90’s revenge movies.

        And that’s intentional, because their objective is to manipulate and control the left, preventing them from fighting the right wing, because they’re NOT unbiased. They actually support the right, and think the right is correct on a lot of issues, particularly freedom of speech.

        There is no strawman here, you just don’t want to see or admit the truth, and that’s likely because the stereotype applies to you.