• UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Leftists should vote for Biden

    We’re headed for another 2000 election. A handful of campaign flaks are going to Brooks Brothers Riot a few counties in a red state with the blessing of a governor hostile to the very idea of democratic governance. Biden is going to meekly surrender after the election is straight up stolen on national television by far-right courts. And then the national media is going to find the real villain - not the thugs terrorizing polling places nationwide, not the nerds hemming and hawing about Rule of Law while the books are rewritten under their noses, not the national media fabricating bullshit smears 24/7 to keep the race up as a spectacle - but a dorky little 3rd party environmentalist nerd who dared to suggest that better things are possible.

    Biden will shit the bed and Trump will run out the back door with the mattress, while every screaming Twitter avi will point the finger at this cycle’s Ralph Nader.