• GenEcon
    9 months ago

    The problem is that the main point open for discussion has nothing to do with labour rights.

    While DB offered 13 % for 2 years and a reduction of working hours from 38 to 37 hours (which is pretty close to the demands – or something at least worth discussing), the main demand still open has to do with german law.

    There are two competing unions. And to avoid having two different labour agreements (and therefore double the strikes), only the larger one is able to negotiate. Therefore the GDL – the smaller union – is demanding that their labour agreement is also valid for people working in Infrastructure, even though they aren’t organized in the GDL, but in a different union.

    So unless the GDL is able to negotiate also for the infrastructure workers, they will be irrelevant in a couple years. The EVG – the far larger union – last year negotiated for example +26.7 % for security personell and 12 % for service staff for two years + 2850 tax free once – also by striking.

    So unless the GDL is able to 1. Negotiate a better deal than the EVG (because only the better agreement is valid) and 2. Is able to negotiate for people who aren’t in their union, they will be irrelevant. Therefore the strike isnt primarily for worker rights, but for the survival of the Union and their bosses.