I was bordering suicidal this morning due to some of the dark feelings I felt. Slowly coming away from that now, but still feel like hangovers just destroy me now
drink at least one pint glass of water for every alcoholic drink
Actually very good advice. I just got so shit faced this time I forgot to drink water and pace myself and I paid for it today.
if you forget at the time, second best is to slam a whole bunch of water before sleeping (wait to pee before you crash though)
I haven’t had that issue but yeah, pretty much everything is harder to recover from and takes longer to recover at 38 than it did at 30. Age is real and it sucks and people who say “:I can’t wait to be old” are extremely strange people.
I have a scab on my hand from where it hit a metal rack while I was stocking a few days ago. A decade ago it would have been healed by now.
Shit sucks dude
Utter bullshit. Just utter bullshit. Aging is criminal and we should abolish it.
If aging didn’t exist Kissinger would yet live. I’m willing to die so that the people I hate also share that fate. Just wish it wasn’t so slow and humiliating.
Yes but consider - Countless millions of people victimized by Kissinger would have remained young, virile, healthy, and capable of carrying out unlikely political assassinations. Imagine a world where every old, broken communist could bench their own weight and run a ten minute mile and would bring all their hatred, rage, and sorrow to war with all the vitality they had when they were 20?
There would be more permanently young ghouls.
Our main obstacle is our lack of numbers. Granting eternal youth to all would only magnify that.
So long as death and crippling are on the table it advantages us because asymmetrical warfare and terrorism are our tools: a stratagem that allows a single person to affect hundreds.
Look at that anarchist who had a convoluted shoved and accomplished nothing, dying doesn’t matter unless you get an x+1:x ratio out of it.
Just my opinion though.
I’m ootl on that picture
it’s not your opinion it’s objectively correct
old age is the only reason we don’t live in a perma-giga-fucked up kingopoly of the first guy to ever take power
Counterpoint I wanna vibe forever and I need to be young and healthy to do it
Counter counterpoint: there are less comrades than ghouls. If one of us being forced to be mortal is true, like a hindered of them have to die too. For the greater good.
What if we make a special exception for me?I you rock currently, are you sure an immortal you wouldn’t become worse?
Yeah this shit ain’t fun. I just am starting to not be able to do what I could when I was young
I just am starting to not be able to do what I could when I was young
like what? besides drinking
I was hungover a few days ago watching young couples shop as I stocked the store. I’m partially convinced (or telling myself at least) that the minor alcohol withdrawal of a hangover is why I felt like a failure and wanted to die knowing that isn’t on the cards for me.
Blame the booze and keep drinking because I know it ain’t true….
Yeah a nasty hangover will bring those kinds of feelings out and then if there’s more alcohol around, you end up drinking more to fix the anxiety and depression from being hung over.
It’s pretty shitty.
You find a solution let me know lol
It’s not like the anxiety and depression aren’t there anyways.
I’m older and hangovers lay me out for like two days
Yeah it ain’t worth it. For some reason I decide to do if anyways
Had a miserable hangover today. Completely wrecked me. Shit sucks
Yep I’m right there with you. If I have over 6 beers in a night of fun. I’m wrecked for at least 36 hours now.
All the anxiety and depression about what you may have done or said combined with your body just feeling icky.
It sucks ass
Yeah, I usually avoid drinking these days because of it, but I seem to have to relearn this lesson every year.
I spent most of my twenties drunk and by the time I got around to my thirties it was just too much to deal with the next day. Every morning just felt like I was gonna die for the first half of the day. Smoking weed actually helped me quit drinking and smoking cigarettes. Can’t remember the last time I had a drink. More than ten years now, at least. There was a definite improvement in my health and mood not being hungover and stuck in constant recovery. Plus, 30 was around when my body started doing the whole “this is never going to fully heal” thing, so having one less massive stressor probably saved my ass from being in much worse condition now. Since you’re still young, it would be in your best interest to start thinking about sobering up and getting in shape now before you get to a point where getting started is too physically overwhelming. And really, it doesn’t take long. Within a few years of sobriety and working out, I was pretty happy with the differences. Life under capitalism is already hard as hell, drinking and putting your body through the wringer just massively increases the difficulty level.
Aye than you know the feeling of a bad hangover and the anxiety and deep depression that comes with it.
Thanks for the long post man. I appreciate the thought and advice you put into jt
Absolutely, comrade. Good luck with whatever you do.
Yeah I definitely feel them a lot more now that I’m older than when I was in my 20s. Or at least before they would be gone by noon, now I’ll get an occasional one that lasts until like 5pm. The water tip someone else posted is crucial but doesn’t always work.
Stopped drinking alcohol years ago. LSD and MDMA are cheaper, give a better experience and I’m functional the next day.
im a zoomer so like ngl, hangovers are basically nothing to me. my consolations that your body is starting to break down
As a school teacher, I want to chime in. Every time I’ve seen problem issues where students (aged 14-18) get passed out drunk, they’re always 100% the next day for parent meetings. I am indeed jealous.
Oral Rehydration Salts work wonders, you can buy them for real cheap. Saved me when I have gotten bad food poisoning traveling, and are great for hangovers.
Any idea why hang overs cause anxiety and depression Iike they do? I can understand the icky stomach and headache.
What I don’t get is why I feel so low and anxiety ridden for at least 24 hours after heavy drinking
Alcohol just does that. I don’t know the science behind it, but alcohol use and depression are closely linked.
I don’t really have problems like that, but I drink a lot less in my mid-30s than I did in my 20s. On a weekend night, I’ll have like 1-2 drinks, and I rarely drink on weeknights.
Not sure where you’re at, but from the way you describe, it doesn’t sound great for your physical or mental health.
I have an addictive personality for sure. And I’ve been addicted to opiates before.
Now the hangovers are starting to the point where they’re like mini opiate withdrawals?
They lay me out pretty bad now
No, because I’m fatter. Also to a degree because I grow cannabis. Alcohol is crap. I don’t like comrades drinking poison. It sounds like you have a problem.
Hangovers are literally nothing compared to the migraines I used to get in high school.
Here’s how I do it:
Do not, under any circumstances, drink beer, wine or mixed spirits to get drunk. Guinness as a meal substitute is ok, as a source of getting drunk is not.
Just sip straight spirits out of the bottle, preferably while ranting about something. If at a bar, get XYZ on the rocks. Gin & Soda water if you want to drink slower.
Drink 2-5 liters of water before passing out anywhere that’s not a bed. In the last 5 weeks, I have passed out on: A lawn, a different lawn, the back seat of a car, the floor (carpeted), the floor (hardwood, with a persian rug), a couch, a computer chair and leaning against a tree.
I haven’t had alcohol for a while now and I don’t miss it tbh. Not straight edge or anything just counting calories.
When I do drink it’s a lot less though. I have 3-4 and call it a night. There was a time when I was drinking like I wanted to kill myself; those hangovers were brutal