After King’s Fall, most people have expected Wrath of the Machine to return next season, though now I’ve seen speculation that it could be Leviathan, which opens up a lot of doors since that’s a D2 raid. What do you all think it’ll be, or what do you want it to be?

Personally, I’m rooting for WotM, but also Crota’s End because I really enjoyed that one. Though honestly, I wish they’d do the crowd favorite idea of turning CE into a dungeon.

Ultimately, I’m down with any raid and am excited to go for another day one clear!

    1 year ago

    My memory may be fuzzy but I seem to remember Bungie saying it would be a d1 raid, but I can find no source for that so as much as I would love Wrath I think it might be scourge based on leaks.