Samsung sees 95% drop in profits for a second consecutive quarter::Today, Samsung posted its Q2 2023 financial results. The report says Samsung’s profits have dropped considerably compared to last year.

  • CmdrShepard42
    1 year ago

    That and how homogenous the market has become. Every phone in its class is a copy of every other one and even between price points, they’re essentially all the same just slower/faster. Like imagine the car market where your only options are a Civic, Corolla, or Sentra or a Accord, Camry, or Altima?

    “Gee I’d love to be able to haul a load of lumber with my car”

    Quit whining. I’ve driven a car for years and never once needed to haul lumber! Just pay Home Depot $500 to deliver it the one mile to your house like I do.

    “Why can’t they just make a car that can haul 7 people so I can take my family together in one vehicle?”

    The market has spoken and consumers want compact or sub compact vehicles! Learn economics.

    “If I could ride a motorcycle to work I could save on gas and reduce congestion on the roads.”

    Why would anyone want such a barebones vehicle? You should just get a horse like the other Luddites.