Holy spirit have your way!

As you can see by the start of this video, I did not press record on the video. I was actually in the middle of my prayer. So that was a supernatural encounter of God pressing record. I had tried recording my content twice before this. I was struggling to find the words to say and how I was going to deliver this message. I noticed I felt uncomfortable and so I instantly started rebuking the enemy. So that’s what you see in the very beginning. Me rebuking Satan and all the insecurities he was trying to push my way. But in the mighty name of Jesus I WILL be victorious and share my story.

As I shared my story, I actively heard angels telling me it’s okay to keep delivering my message. They were fighting the demonic forces that were trying to stop this from getting out. So much chaos was happening downstairs while I was praying and delivering this message. A fire started, things got burned. Praise God that nothing got too out of hand. The kingdom of darkness was shaken and mad about this particular story being released.

Verses I shared: ●James 3:14-16 talks about how such things are in the heart and how it is demonic ●James 4:7-8 up to verse 10 talks about resisting the devil. rhetorical question-If a Christian couldn’t have demons than why do we need to resist ●2 Corinthians 11:4 Paul talks about how you can receive a different spirit than the one of God ●2 Corinthians 12:7 Paul talks about receiving a thorn in his flesh, a messenger of satan. This proves that demons exist in the flesh, not the spirit that is already one with God/Holy Spirit ●Ezekiel 27:34 : I wrote along the page “everything is leaving, I’m coming out. The real me who liked blue this whole time” ●Ezekiel 32:2 talks about a lion and a dragon. I go into detail about how I looked in the mirror and saw my face resemble that of a lion with a snout and sharp canine teeth.

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