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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Short_Illustrator291 on 2024-02-15 07:26:02.

Happy valentines to me I guess. To paint the scene my boyfriend is in bed super sick. I worked all day today and tomorrow is my day off and I’m spending it on school. I’ve had a lot to do lately and I just wanted to knock out some chores. I’ve been neglecting the bathroom (disgusting I know) and I needed to deep clean and clean out the litter box. I don’t mind any of these things but usually my boyfriend would do this and take out the trash since I do the majority of cleaning and cooking. Now my little garbage baby pretty girl Yuki is a seven month old missing orange ink cat, a close friend found her in a trash bag with other kitties in an alley. I think she can do no wrong she’s just incredibly curious and devilish. So I get to deep cleaning my bathroom and I’m on my hands and knees scrubbing the shower floor. Usually if it was a light cleaning the door would be closed to keep Yuki out but I was using heavy chemicals and I need air after cleaning out the stinky litter box. Yuki was asleep comfortably with my sleeping boyfriend before I even started so I thought the coast was clear. Anyways I’m a scrub a dub dubbin and suddenly I feel the most intense 18 needle stab in my upper back. Yuki snuck in and jumped on me to try and see what I was doing. She has the wildest fascination with the shower. I kept my cool and just let her watch as I’m scrubbing with water and The Pink Stuff. Unfortunately for me I snagged a hair out of the drain and she SENT for it. Since the shower floor was still slippery she kinda slipped and slid herself all into the suds. Obviously I freak out because I didn’t want her licking her self. So in cleaning gloves and all i grab her and turn on the shower. So now I’m standing in a half cleaned shower holding a little cat trying to claw her way out of my hands FULLY CLOTHED WITH CROCS AND SOCKS. I don’t know how I managed to bathe her without dropping her (truthfully I almost did ) and now I’m pretty sure the poor thing is so confused why she had to get a shower. I made sure to get all the soaps out and left her smelling like tropi clean berry and coconut. She’s wrapped up in a towel and I’m just absolutely soaked. I ended up plopping her with dad and letting him dry her. the shower was still dirty as was the toilet and sink where I set all our shower essentials on. After another hour of cleaning a bathroom that should’ve taken one at most I finally strip and take a long well deserved shower. It’s now 11 pm my time and I started cleaning at 9 after I got home 🥲 I’m covered in claw marks and I want to go to bed but now there’s a slight moist spot on my side of the bed.

TLDR: TIFU when my cat snuck into the bathroom I was cleaning getting chemicals all over her and I ended up showering with her and having to clean everything again. Happy Valentine’s Day :D