For those of you eagerly anticipating the final season of Star Trek Discovery, you won’t have to wait long.

The 5th and final season will begin streaming on Paramount+ with episodes one and two on April 4th.

It’s likely to be one of only two new seasons of Star Trek in 2024 with Lower Decks season 5 expected in the summer. Strange New Worlds on the other hand is still filming for season 3 with that series not expected to return until 2025.

There’s also the Section 31 movie in the works and what you could call a Discovery spin-off in Starfleet Academy set in Discovery’s take on the 32nd century. Both aren’t expected until 2025 at the earliest.

Are you sad to see Discovery end and are you looking forward to more Kurtzman Trek?

Discovery has proven controversial with fans since it’s beginning in 2017 with many, including myself feeling that it strays too far from what makes Trek, Trek and largely ignored 50+ years of canon to make Star Trek appeal to a “modern audience.”

    7 months ago

    I’m not a fan of alternate timelines and parallel universes, but it’s been kind of fun. I’m only through the first season so far though.