Ok so what the hell is the American dream. To be able to struggle most of your life to live and then eventually be able to have a family without going into debt too much? My mom especially confuses me because she always talks about how she had like 3 jobs and worked her body to the bone waitressing, yet she believes in it because she has a house and family now? Like I feel that maybe people shouldn’t have to do that? Like peoples standards are too low? That really must be it actually. Usually when I bring up something bad about America they respond with “well it’s better than that one authoritarian country.” People are so propagandized that they lower their standards for what’s good in a country. Maybe Im just being chauvinistic but I think a country like America, with what it does produce, should be able to give the basic necessities of life. Or last least not make people work 3 jobs for them. I do have to look back up on myself and realize that the conditions of workers in America is better than a lot of underdeveloped countries, but it just bugs me when people think America is all that because of the “opportunity” to live. There are a lot of people in America who do have it pretty rough unfortunately.