• BenVimes@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    No posts here? I’ll be first.

    I tried the demo for a few hours last night and liked a lot of what I saw. I’m a fan of Ogre Battle, and it’s nice to see that Atlus can at least use that series’ DNA for something, even if they won’t (or can’t) put out another official game.

    My biggest issue is that some of the screens feel too information dense. I had to sit a metre closer to my TV in order to read some of the menus and stat pages.

    The story also looks like it’s going to be very generic and predictable. That’s not uncommon, but it is disappointing every time it happens.

    There’s a few other minor issues, like the lack of a “halt” command on the tactical map, or that the mapping of the cursor to the analog stick feels a bit off in certain menus.

    I’m glad another game like this is being released. Symphony of War was my favourite game of 2022 and reminded me why I like this sort of game in the first place.

    • Tamlyn@lemmy.zipM
      4 months ago

      I’m still playing the demo so i post something later. But yes, srpg stories are all the same kind of. But i don’t get the infromation dense point, probably different depending on the size of every porson’s own screen

  • Tamlyn@lemmy.zipM
    4 months ago

    Wow building the group seems to be quite important. Some just doesn’t suit to each other. Kind of like that. Ab chosing more people on one team or more seperate units seems to be interresting as well. I think from a tactial perspective it could be interresting. Well story is a war story, probably nothing special about that, but maybe i will be surprised. There characters doesn’t seem to interresting so far as well, at least nobody stand out so far, but that could change as well for me. About the dense of information i agre with @BenVimes@lemmy.ca , it’s to much but probably only at the start of the game. At the end i really like the first part of the gameplay so of course i will play it.

    • AshtearOP
      4 months ago

      Yeah, it’s been forever since I played Ogre Battle, but unit composition seems huge here. With the equipment and the gambit setup (I forget what they called it in this game) it plays very much like an in-depth auto-battler.

  • AshtearOP
    4 months ago

    Played about 3 hours-ish of this so far, I love the depth. At first I was a bit concerned the auto-battling would be annoying (I never really did get into Ogre Battle), but there’s so much tactical depth here if you want it. Equipment and skill conditions can be changed around mid-battle. Tying unit leader changes to a resource is also interesting. Pausing and auto-pausing is generous so I don’t think I’ll ever feel overwhelmed. Once I get used to moving around the map with the cursor I think I’ll be good on controls.

    I don’t like the battle timer. I’m honestly not sure what purpose it serves, but I’m going to be quite annoyed if there are battles that get strict on it. So far I haven’t gotten close, just down to half of the clock in one of them.

    Like others said, the story is quite generic. I’m kind of shocked that this is the same writer/studio that did 13 Sentinels. I’m hoping it’ll break out of the mold soon, and it is still early. Plus some of the stuff I’m seeing in menus makes me think that’s quite possible.

    In the end, it’s mostly about the gameplay here (just that kind of game), and I don’t quite know yet if it will be more on the Fire Emblem end of the spectrum where I feel like there are few surprises and you win the battle in the initial setup, or if it’s more like the Final Fantasy Tactics/Tactics Ogre style where there’s a lot of randomness and an ebb and flow, read and react to the battling. I’m not jumping-out-of-my-chair excited about this like I was because I’d prefer it was in the latter category, but it still looks good.