Slovensko nevyšle našich vojakov na územie Ukrajiny, vyhlásil Robert Fico po rokovaní vlády pred pondelkovým samitom predstaviteľov EÚ a ďalších krajín NATO v Paríži. Slovensko...
It’s quite possible that if western countries try to send troops into this, that could bring governments down. There are already mass protests all across Europe, and the war is becoming deeply unpopular. And the whole thing was sold as Ukraine doing the fighting on the behalf of the west.
It’s quite possible that if western countries try to send troops into this, that could bring governments down. There are already mass protests all across Europe, and the war is becoming deeply unpopular. And the whole thing was sold as Ukraine doing the fighting on the behalf of the west.
And with the rise of the far-right in Europe, liberals will be speedrunning us into fascism.