• AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Not if you destroy all the computers that store their ego scores/power, and that is far more essential. You just have to destroy enough servers and redundancies to make them people again. Then they don’t even matter, and can go off and die from being sheltered fancy lads and lasses their whole lives having to navigate a real world.

    Their power is stored in bank and capital market records. Global financial systems and their redundancies need to be smashed to pieces and burned. We need to wipe the filth of their scam away. Getting them would just leave their power to their nepo babies and grand babies, taught at private schools from birth to see us as their livestock. That wouldn’t solve anything. Their record of wealth must be destroyed, and that means destroying all records of wealth. That is the cudgel they pass down generationally to beat us over the head with.

    The billionaires can’t tie their own shoes without their cash machines and the lackeys they buy. We need to reset the Score to 0 for everyone, or they will continue to control us. No fair allocation can be discerned by this fucked global economy scam for anyone, as it was rigged from the start.

    Don’t worry though, we won’t do anything except continue to destroy our own habitat to further enrich them. We need revolution, and that revolution’s most important soldiers would need to be talented analysts that can identify where the data and its redundancies are physically stored.

    • WarmSoda
      7 months ago

      You speak well my friend.
      I’m curious what action you’ve taken, if any.

      • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        I campaigned for Bernie twice, phone banked, went door to door, etc, and attended support rallies for Occupy Wall Street, but the more I learned, the more I realized how captured this system is. It has mechanisms in place to divide rising movements and indoctrinate us with the curriculum they inform from K-Colleges of economics to falsely believe we need the wealthy “job creators” and we need to work against each other.

        This system cannot be repaired, it would collapse first before it would accept change that benefits Americans from the worst off up, it has been engineered for the opposite. I take solace in knowing that though I may not live to see it, Rome always falls in the end to its own corruption and decadence, and entropy cannot be cheated. This system will collapse, my money is on when crops start failing en masse from capitalist made climate change.