White House urges developers to dump C and C++::Biden administration calls for developers to embrace memory-safe programing languages and move away from those that cause buffer overflows and other memory access vulnerabilities.

  • gayhitler420
    7 months ago

    There’s two possibilities

    The unlikely one is that it’s support for a make work program for the millions of programmers who can’t find junior positions either because they don’t know how to work with pointers, massive fundamental blocks of the software required to run everything are already mature and only need ongoing contract support from senior developers who have memory unsafe techniques down pat or they’re being squeezed out of the job market by gpts bad code which is free compared to their bad code which costs money.

    The more likely option is that it’s a move to exert downward pressure on developer wages by pushing everyone to languages that generative ai has an easier time with. If the language is memory safe the schizophrenic computer can’t cause a memory leak when someone copy/pastes its code into critical infrastructure libraries.

    But hey, no more buffer underruns, right? Based White House?