
  • General Lemmy support, including account login, feed view, voting, commenting, viewing communities, viewing user profiles, searching, and more. The main features not included in this release are viewing notifications, viewing/interacting with direct messages, and creating new posts. Thanks @jwr1 and @olorin99.
  • Support for editing your user profile, including the about and uploading a new profile avatar and banner; thanks @olorin99.
  • Huge improvements to the user screen, including being able to view a user’s threads, microblogs, comments, replies, follows, and followers; thanks @olorin99.
  • A new user/magazine mention feature; if a user/magazine mention is detected in markdown, it tries to fetch the corresponding avatar and name and allows you to click to view the user/magazine page if available.
  • Support for blocking users, magazines, and domains.
  • Support for reporting posts and comments.
  • Show a copy button on the open link dialog.
  • Show an option for posts and comments to open them in a browser.
  • Add local filter to magazines explore.


  • Add post/comment deletion confirmation.
  • Fix account list sorting to go by host, then the local name.
  • Fix the coloring for the subscribe button so it’s easier to tell when you’re subscribed or not.
  • Hide the error snack bar for several common errors, including render layout issues and image loading issues.
  • Fix empty search error from the search screen.

Google Play:

Just as a side note, those who have the app previously installed will need to re-signin into their accounts and might need to clear their app data if the app doesn’t start up, as a few changes have been made with the way accounts are stored.

    7 months ago

    As a heads up on Android I had to uninstall and reinstall to get 0.4.0 to open after updating it. Easy peasy, but just wanted to let others know!

    It would just sit on the splash screen with the logo and wouldn’t go any further.

    • jwr1@kbin.earthOPM
      7 months ago

      Thanks, I actually did mention that at the bottom of the post, but I probably should have made it more obvious.