Building your own DIY composter is an easy way to save money on garden supplies and keep materials out of the landfill. Many DIY compost bins can be created from typical household items, making the…
Very nice read! I was just curious if anyone has any extra information on roofed composters? This article said something about moisture. I’ve always used a non roofed composter and haven’t seem to have any Ill results. Is the moisture content more important than what I think?
This also very much depends on the climate you are in. If you get lots and lots of rain, you might a roof. If you hardly get any rain at all, you might want to cover up your pile/bin with a tarp or something alike.
So yes moisture is definitely very important, but the specifics depend on your situation.
Very nice read! I was just curious if anyone has any extra information on roofed composters? This article said something about moisture. I’ve always used a non roofed composter and haven’t seem to have any Ill results. Is the moisture content more important than what I think?
This also very much depends on the climate you are in. If you get lots and lots of rain, you might a roof. If you hardly get any rain at all, you might want to cover up your pile/bin with a tarp or something alike. So yes moisture is definitely very important, but the specifics depend on your situation.