Via Timothy Snyder: 1/…

The thing Trump did in Dayton – celebrating his fascist movement’s dubious “martyrs”–is exactly what Goebbels & Hitler did bw Nazis’ failed coup & their seizure of power. Their song was called the Horst Wessel Song.

Nazis were obsessive abt being the victims. Once in power they put up monuments to their “martyrs.” They sang their Horst Wessel Song as they conquered countries & killed millions to say that they, Nazis, were real victims and therefore always innocent.

    6 months ago

    @AndyGER @GottaLaff Europe has its own problems with advancing fascism. Not only in Hungary or Italy. The two largest political parties in the northern part of Belgium are far-right and their members still commemorate WWII-nazis. In the Netherlands, a fascist won the election. Poland recently had an far right government. It’s all over Europe.