Hey guys, the newest content patch is out (and the couple days of followup emergency patches)

This patch is mostly focused on new content for end game, so if you were at the end or near it (R3 Sector 93ish) theres more stuff to do. It adds Reinforce 4 which has some new systems and one of those new systems is also added onto the end of Reinforce 3. There is also a little bit of QoL Improvements and minor tweaks for earlier players too.

But the thing I’m most excited about in general is the integration with a discord bot setup. If you are in the discord server you can link your discord account to the game via a unique code you can get in the about or settings tab in game, which you then send to the bot in the #role-link section. Once your account is linked you will automatically get assigned roles on the server that reflect your progress in game, and if you so choose, also automatically update your server nickname to show the sector you’re in in near real time. Finally everyone isnt just the default role color ><. This bot integration is also being used to run monthly giveaways too!

The next major update will likely be a bit of a re-balance as there has been some mentions of pacing issues/annoying progression in 75+ that I want to remedy, I’ve got a survey about that here if you have played a bit. The survey is mostly meant for 75+ players but there is section with a few things if you’re not even that far that would be helpful to get feedback on still! The survey

For those unfamiliar with the game heres a blurb from the steam page.

Destroy endless waves of alien ships that have all but wiped out humanity in this long form, unfolding, sci-fi idle game. Customize your ship with different weapons and defenses to defeat specific enemy types and utilize a ton of different systems to increase your overall power.

Check it out here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2471100/Unnamed_Space_Idle/

As always I love to hear feedback of any sort be it here or in the Discord (but right now more specifically in that survey :p)

x-posted from /r/incremental_games by /u/Rankith