This article describes a connection between wellness and self care and the extremist groups that we have seen pop up the last years.

I thought it was interesting to see how missing research for women is causing more people to see the mainstream as ‘wrong’ and looking for alternative truths.

    11 months ago

    One of the most effective (and horrible) things the people behind Qanon did was find a way of collecting and brainwashing people from all sorts of sub-cultures under their umbrella of crapulence. Wellness nuts, western New Agers, evangelical Christians, traditional Catholics, survivalists, Falun Gong, conspiracy theorists (flat-earthers, ancient alien believers, anti-vaxxers, ‘plandemic’ believers, etc.), white supremacists, libertarians, anti-semites, the anti-gay movement, mothers who worry about sexual child abuse, anti-immigrant advocates… The list goes on and on.

    So many friendships and families have been destroyed by this crap. It’s heartbreaking.