It seems to me that every other soldier is somehow faster and has more rockets than me when I try to play soldier and I’m just trying to figure out what I need to do to get better at not dying so fast. I’ve done jump academy in the past, but I feel like I’m still a bit stuck in regards to my soldier skills (I normally main Medic, Pyro, and Scout) Thanks in advance.

  • BeegYoshi
    1 year ago

    make sure you’re following the Soldier Basics:

    1. get high ground
    2. shoot at feet (Guaranteed Splash Damage)

    the best soldiers (or any good players really) will surf enemy damage onto high ground and then be able to shoot their whole clip at the enemy instead of rocket jumping.

    but I mean the simple answer is to play him more. More jump maps could be good. If you’re jumping a lot make sure you’re using gunboats. Also highly recommend turning on autoreload; getting that extra rocket loaded while airborne without having to scramble for your r key can make all the difference.

    1 year ago

    I used to main soldier when I started playing TF2 (now I go back and forth between Spy and Medic). Something to always keep in mind is your health when you’re rocket jumping. Rockets do a significant amount of self damage and even if you’re using the rocket jumper, even fall damage will add up and every time you encounter an enemy after a rocket jump, you will most likely be at a lower than ideal health. Playing soldier is a balancing act between using rockets to move around while also using them in battle (usually), so you also need to pay attention to how many rockets you are using so you are never caught in an awkward situation where you really need it.