• melpomenesclevage
    5 months ago

    corporations are not people. I don’t give a shit about their “rights”, I don’t give a shit about their dignity, abd I don’t give a shit about their assets. why the fuck do you? do you tjinkgoogle gives a shit about your 'rights '? dignity? assets? are you high?

    they are doing bad things and need to he stopped.they aren’t people, they do not have feelings, and there is no moral harm from doing anything to one. all is permitted, barring collateral damage, which might be permitted.

    there is a moral good in stopping them from doing a bad thing. in making them less efficient at doing the bad thing.

    them doing bad thing is bad. there aren’t rules-not for them; I think this is pretty well established. there is no ‘allowed’ or ‘disallowed’ if the rules only apply to one party. your rules-as-substitute-for-morality shit completely breaks down outside a bourgeoise white mid 20th century context; these days its just victim blaming gaslighting bullshit and everybody knows it.