• @wjs018@ani.socialOPM
      61 month ago

      Fun fact that many people might not realize is that the up/down votes you make on lemmy are not anonymous. If you pull up a thread on kbin for instance, it will list everybody that has voted on a post. Also, if you are an admin on a lemmy instance that federates with the community, you can see all the votes. I run a test instance of lemmy that is federated with this community that I used for rikka testing. That also allows me to see all the votes. So, after a quick photoshop to protect the innocent, here is what that box looks like (the first page anyway):

      Some people just pretty consistently downvote any anime content they see in their all feed. That’s fine, they are allowed to do that. I would only step in with bans if I saw a bunch of accounts that likely belonged to one person trying to manipulate votes.

  • @wjs018@ani.socialOPM
    61 month ago

    Konosuba just barely managed to hang on to the top spot this week, but AC’s penchant for romance almost got Date a Live to #1. Anybody here watching Unnamed Memory? It jumped up a lot this past week, but nothing about the synopsis or teasers really caught my eye.

    Something I noticed this week looking at the full results is that AC doesn’t tend to like sports anime:

    • Highspeed Etoile - 47th
    • Rinkai! - 49th
    • Oblivion Battery - 50th
    • Ooi! Tonbo - 53rd
    • Captain Tsubasa: Junior Youth Arc - 55th
  • @SnowGator
    61 month ago

    AC definitely has a certain taste. Which is helpful, when I’m looking for, let’s say, what were the popular romance anime of a season.

    I don’t remember what other relatively easy to track Top 10’s there are. Does MAL have an easy one to snag? It’d be nice to have a contrasting one to AC.

    • @zabadoh@ani.social
      1 month ago

      On Sundays, I post /u/abysswatcherbel’s MAL+Anilist and JP Twitter charts that are buried in the comments for the weekly karma chart on /r/anime

      I alternate between the charts in the weekly post URL, but the other chart will have a link in the post text body.

      I find those to be generally indicative of Western and Japanese popularity, respectively.

      Although this season, in particular the JP Twitter chart seems to be skewed by a lot of votes for Blue Archive. I wildly speculate that the game is holding a “follow us and get free loot boxes” promotion or something, because the anime is blech

      • @SnowGator
        41 month ago

        Oh yea, I saw some of the twitter follower charts and wondered what kind of data that was showing. Like, is popularity the same as quality? I’m sure there’s some correlation there, and maybe the difference isn’t meaningful for our purpose of highlighting current anime for discussion.

        • @wjs018@ani.socialOPM
          41 month ago

          I think I have found those two charts most interesting when comparing the difference between them. For instance, last season I noticed that Bravern was consistently very popular in the JP Twitter lists, but usually not even listed in the MAL+AniList chart. There are plenty of shows that are popular in both markets, so I often find it most interesting when there is a big difference.

        • @zabadoh@ani.social
          41 month ago

          I like following the charts to unearth hidden gems near the start of a season.

          Bravern was a good example. From the publicity shots, it looked like another typical stupid 90s style super robot show, and I had little interest.

          But the JP Twitter loved it, so I gave it a looksee.

          As fearless leader says, it’s actually a really great parody, so especially funny if you’re versed in the shows from that era.

    • @wjs018@ani.socialOPM
      31 month ago

      The others that I know are Anime Trending and then the reddit karma chart. AC releases their list on Friday, the other two are on Sundy iirc. Also, AC is that one I tend to post because they make a nice, clean image of the top 10, which lemmy lets you embed as the post url.

      • @SnowGator
        31 month ago

        I don’t want to add more work for you, since you’re already doing so much. But, as an idea, is there a way to aggregate those in the weekly “what are you watching posts”? I think that’d be a neat point to get more discussion on how they’re doing and what you’re watching at the same time.

        It’s a shame the other two charts you listed don’t make a nice shareable jpg per week.

        • @wjs018@ani.socialOPM
          21 month ago

          I have it written down on my “future improvements to rikka list” to have some kind of mechanism to keep track of the stats on posted discussion threads. That would enable things like creating weekly rankings based on number of upvotes or number of comments on shows that week in this community.

          I will keep in mind including links at least to the weekly rankings elsewhere for the weekly general threads. I haven’t paid close attention to when those lists get published, so I will do that this week and see if they are ready prior to when I make the general thread on Monday morning.