Rant/sob story/need a kick in the backside:

I’ve fallen into the same trap my father fell into. At 40 years old, I’ve spent the last 15 years prioritizing my work and career over family, relationships and life in general. It’s left me fat, weak, and scrambling to avoid depression.

I feel like I’ve wasted so much time, and I don’t know where to go from here. Back in school, making friends and having new hobbies came almost effortlessly. Now, I work 10 hour days and end up working on the couch while mindlessly watching TV. Weekends I spend working a side gig or gaming.

I know the solution is to pick something interesting (like strength training at the gym) and just try it. I’m one of those people who needs to be perfect at something the first time, because reasons. I’ve been meaning to hit the gym regularly for years now, but I find myself falling off the wagon within days.

How do you maintain the discipline required to keep going to the gym?

  • waterbogan@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Find a form of exercise you enjoy doing for its own sake - and it doesnt need to be in the gym, in fact given that you feel you need to be perfect at something the first time, you might be better off doing something not gym based

    I swim every day I can, usually get in between 10-12 km of laps a week, I also cycle to/from the pool, work, shops, in fact anything I can. Cycling instead of driving will not only improve your fitness and help lose weight, but also save money if you use a bike to get places you’d otherwise drive or take public transport. You could also do hiking or even just walking. Just going for a walk/ hike in nature is a good way to alleviate depression too (as is cycling). You may find there are hiking/ walking groups in your area, maybe even an LGBT one, that will have the bonus of giving you some socialising on top

    Whatever you do, quit your side gig unless you really need the money, and quit or restrict the amount of gaming you do, commit to doing something physical instead outside if possible.