• poVoq
      51 month ago

      But, keep it lighthearted and/or within our server’s ideals.

      Notice the “or” in the “and/or”.

  • @NateNate60@lemmy.world
    241 month ago

    No offence but this is the same shit that Nazis post with a caption complaining about how Jews control the Government.

    • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
      1 month ago

      There is a difference when you pay attention to the actual content of what’s being said and not just the aesthetics.

      See, the Jews don’t control the world, but the police do beat political dissidents. It matters if you care about the truth.

      I guess I’m like a Nazi now because I used words, and sometimes Nazis use words.

      • @NateNate60@lemmy.world
        -61 month ago

        There is no “content” at all. No context on which to dispel my assumptions.

        Humans make generalisations from incomplete data, and the generalisation I make is that OP doesn’t realise that the point they are trying to make is (1) extremely poorly made and (2) conducive to being confused for a Nazi.

        • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
          71 month ago

          What do you think of the statement “the Jews don’t control the world, but the police do beat political dissidents”?

          Or are you just really hell-bent on confusing OP for a Nazi?

          • @NateNate60@lemmy.world
            -41 month ago

            I agree with that statement. I also never claimed they were a Nazi. Surely your reading comprehension is not that poor, right?

            • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
              51 month ago

              That statement that you apparently agree with is the content that you ignored in order to compare OP to a Nazi. Or sorry no, in order to claim that OP could be confused for a Nazi.

              It’s really important to be scrupulously fair to people who baselessly compare people to Nazis.

    • @melpomenesclevage
      1 month ago

      okay but Nazis hate everything, and blame everything on ‘The Jews’? just because they hate shitty liberal governments and blame them on ‘The Jews’ doesn’t make them good.

    • @awwwyissss
      -51 month ago

      No offense from you, but offense from me. I’m tired of seeing this crap shoved down everyone’s throats on Lemmy.

  • @SoylentBlake
    91 month ago

    Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison -Henry David Thoreau

    • FiveOP
      11 month ago

      University of Texas at Austin yesterday.

      • @SoylentBlake
        1 month ago

        I’m waiting for an “Ohio” moment like CSN&Y sang, it’s coming. That shit happened to boomers, who have now become the oppressor, continuing the cycle of needless pain, loss and suffering. That’s the kind of shit that keeps the aliens from showing their face. I would’ve want to be known about around that kind of normalized psychopathy either.

        History doesn’t repeat but it rhymes. Cops today are too indoctrinated that they are at war with the citizenry - of which they clearly hold themselves above. They’re gonna spill students blood. Students who are protesting supplying Israel with weapons for what’s become an unjustifiable offensive war. Hell half of these cops fetishize throwing the Zionists back in the old ovens but they just can’t pass up any chance to spill 18yr old girls blood for having an opinion. And at this point the girl is the only moral one in the group. I don’t think I’d even stand in the way of the cops if they were going for the Zionists.

        Fascists all around. Kleptocracy staring down the barrel of loaded gun.

        Above all, we need to collectively realize that the story of our lives in our head is a fiction. Every second we are alive we are deciding what kind of world this is, with our actions. There is no one coming to save us. You are the adult in the room. If you see a wrong, justice demands you act. All of us. Together that adds up to community, a zeitgeist of home.

        I have a metaphysical theory that we all unconsciously carry the weight of our ancestors with us, and some part of our subconscious, or our reflexive self (the part of you that blinks the millisecond before something hits your eye), or maybe our supra conscious/soul/spirit, (the part of us not bound to time/Morty playing Roy) is constantly tabulating a score and multiples of maladies manifest from this ennui.

        If you’re bored, you aren’t trying hard enough. If you’re depressed, you need to insert yourself in the solution, whatever you see that as. Your depression will magically resolve itself. No ones depressed in a war zone. Science has quantifiably proven that.

        It’s better to die on your feet, in defense of the truth, and as an agent of justice than live on your knees having sold the essence of your soul, sacrificing dynamism for mediocrity. 5 years that run the gamut of highs and lows or 50 years of office work. It’s not even optional to me, it’s just fact.

  • @EatATaco
    61 month ago

    It’s hard to be 14, when this is deep.

      • @EatATaco
        01 month ago

        How on earth did you get that from my post?

  • Sagar Acharya
    11 month ago

    You have to make the right government, but even more important is to make the government right.

        • poVoq
          51 month ago

          You forgot the /s given that it is literally an anti-authoritarian meme post you are commenting on.

    • @Daft_ish@lemmy.world
      61 month ago

      Oh yeah, anti-government propaganda is what everyone should be on the look out for. The police are your friends.

      • @fuckingkangaroos
        -71 month ago

        Putin would like to thank you for helping divide your own country.

        • @Daft_ish@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Devout allegiance to your government is a virtue. There you have it guys. Nazi Germany here we come.

          • @fuckingkangaroos
            -11 month ago

            I don’t have devout allegiance to any government. Why the strawman?

            • @Daft_ish@lemmy.world
              1 month ago

              Straw man, youre implying my preexisting discontent with the United States is a manipulation by putin. You’re also implying that I should forgo my own morals to uphold an unjust system for the sake of the system alone.

              I am an American. America is my home. We are taught that civil discourse, democracy, and holding your government to account is as American as apple pie. Putin might capitalize on the rights zealotry but that does not mean we give into their warped mortality for the sake of maintaining the union.

  • @shasta
    -81 month ago

    It’s also dangerous to be white when the government is wong