Ended up taking a huge chunk out the side of her head. It was a massacre. There were tears and panic attacks, it was pretty full on and sucked to see her so upset.
I did the deed, my daughter told her she looks bad-ass, like Ripley and she’s finally come around to how great she looks with a shaved heid.
Anyone got any horror haircut stories I can use to cheer her up? Cheers!
I’m afraid I don’t have any soothing stories but there are quite a few Aliens pulse rifle 3d replicas out there that are pretty reasonable if you’re willing to do the gluing and finishing yourself :)
As a side note, there are lots of famous people who have done this and looked incredibly badass doing it. Aside from the GI Jane comparisons the first one that comes to mind is Karen Gillan got a buzz cut for the first Guardians movie and ended up looking more badass somehow
Never mind the pulse rifle for her - I want that thing!