I notice we have a fair number of threads here where people are encouraged to ramble on about whatever topic. I think that’s partially people casting about for content, but I think it’s also just a nice thing? There aren’t a ton of spaces on the internet that encourage that kind of semi-focused discussion, and I’ve enjoyed both posting to those threads and reading people’s random musings. It’s a nice contrast with people reacting to the latest event and debating what it means and why the person they’re replying to is wrong.

…What do you think? Obviously, I think you should ramble on about this.

  • Geronimo Wenja@agora.nop.chat
    1 year ago

    Yeah, there’s an interesting flavour to it hey. One thing I’ve noticed is that I haven’t paid any attention to votes on comments since I joined. It’s refreshing to not have the top comment be a meme or joke about a typo. I’m commenting, too, which I very rarely did on Reddit. Perhaps it’s less threatening at this stage, while it’s new for people, and they’re optimistic about it?