I seen it on reddit and thought to share it here.

  • foggy@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I’m out here arguing for a $26/hr minimum wage.

    Full time work would afford you $1000/week, pre tax.

    So like $600 to $700.

    This is barely livable.

    • Dkarma@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      You can make the min wage 1000$ you’re still making min wage. Raising min wage is a red herring. We need to have good mechanisms for people to make ABOVE min wage.

      • HubertManne@kbin.social
        4 months ago

        we really need a maximum compensation like ben and jerries had. 10x lowest compensated worker at the company.

        • foggy@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Honestly, I’d even be okay with 1000x, to start.

          When full time wal mart takes home 30k, the Walton’s can settle for 30 mil/year instead of who the fuck knows what. Google says they make $100 mil per day. Like… I’m with you, but baby steps.

          • HubertManne@kbin.social
            4 months ago

            im willing to go with 100 but honestly its sorta sad to say one person is worth more than 100 of another.

          • SoylentBlake
            4 months ago

            Incrementalism is what got us here.

            Incrementalism is the definition of 2 steps forward, 3 steps back.

            Incrementalism has been the play book since the new deal. Does it look like the new deal is still in effect? Business has been chipping at it ever since it passed - and it only passed because as FDR was about to sign papers expanding the supreme court, like they were on his desk, in his hand, his opposition caved. He should’ve expanded the court anyway, but hey, different time, back then you could assume yr opposition just had a different vision forward, and still wanted American advancement. Now the opposition doesn’t consider working class people until they need votes, until then, it’s the rabble, or horde, or Al Quida (literally means “the base” in Arabic. Republicans are American Al Quida; Y’all Quida)

            Incrementalism is perfectly demonstrated playing slots. You bet 100 tokens; you “win” 80 tokens on the spin. Let that perturbate sinusoidal and you’ll end up with a cash out ticket reading shit like “you won $420! Pay out $0.” “technically” slots pay out the most, but that’s due to the above example being counted as a win of 80 instead of a loss of 20.

            Change happens fast and Americans are more than capable of handling change, so there’s no fearscaping what the rubes will think in Peoria. We aren’t stupid and we don’t want to be coddled. Hence the pushback to the lying media (blatant proof; "we aren’t in a recession…except for the 200million of you that are, but these 20 guys made THAT much to tip the scale; or defending Israeli atrocity or blaming platforms, Tiktok, for showing the “wrong” truth and negging it’s user base because the IDF keeps posting and humblebragging their carpet bombing of preschools…smh).

            A large chunk of Trump voters (which I am not) just want respect and the be treated like they’re at the adult table and they’re so tired of mfers trying to manufacture consent, and manipulate to immunity they’re willing to burn the entire establishment down. I’ve been told this explicitly, multiple times, as I live in deep red yokelville, am annoyingly Socratic, as stubborn as Diogenes in the face of injustice and make myself potentially a target at every council meeting and town hall. And I guess I’m far enough left that Ill stand with them in that point. Without the truth, nothing can be fixed. They gave up on treating us like adults, or just humans, right about the time they killed Bobby Kennedy. Since then it’s been all Machiavelli: peacocking, manipulation, and advertising. “controlling the narrative” = a giant neon sign from orbit that says “evil shit, right here, these people. E.V.I.L.”