Pairing up might have been the best move our ancestors ever made

    1 year ago

    I don’t know why you are pissed off at me

    Probably because you came into a science forum, made some asinine claim with zero supporting evidence, and now that you’ve been challenged, you’re acting like a victim. Without evidence there is no argument, no discussion, no anything. Evidence is the only truth that we have. If you do not have evidence, your claim is inherently bullshit. It’s not even worth discussing until you have some factual basis upon which to build that discussion.

    “Some humans aren’t monogamous, therefore humans are not monogamous.” isn’t good enough. That doesn’t even make sense, I can’t believe you fuckin’ said that.

    You made the claim, you carry the burden of proof. Instead of acting like a fucking child, you could have been looking for papers that support your argument. I just glanced at Google Scholar for all of 3 minutes and scrolled through no less than 5 pages of papers on the topic of human monogamy. What’s your excuse? Go find some proof, or shut the fuck up.