The more people find out about the Green party’s policies, the more they tend to switch off. So today’s campaign launch was over in 15 minutes

  • AncientMariner
    4 months ago

    “I don’t know how I was supposed to know you’re dyslexic, given that, oddly enough, you’ve spelled every other word correctly. In any case, you’re sitting in front of a computer (or holding one), which would allow you easily to check the spelling, dyslexic or not.”

    So you expect me to spend hours longer on my posts, to pretend I’m neurotypical because you don’t feel neurodiverse people deserve to be imperfect. I think that is not the solution to the problem where folks like you who like to feel superior correcting spelling, is not that everyone should work around and accommodate you. Maybe, just maybe, picking up on errors, rather than the points is more than a little rude, and you need to work on yourself a bit.

    “Every other Labour government - in fact, every social democratic government anywhere in the world - has come to power in the face of this kind of rhetoric. Yet, they generally do make a positive difference. Indeed, you must think they do, otherwise you wouldn’t be left wing.”

    Social democrat isn’t left wing, when you’re picking and choosing what bits that can be possible under common ownership, it’s hard to distinguish from half-hearted liberalism.

    “Three sentences, none of them true.” Reeves actually said that there would be no increase in NHS funding without economic growth. I think it was a year ago. I’m assuming there has been a u-turn on that now election has kicked off, but just because they change their positions, doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

    Nothing you have said will persuade anyone to vote Labour, and gaslighting people in to believing Labour won’t win is simply dishonest.

    I think we’ll wrap this one up, as you’re preaching gospel according to New New Labour and I ain’t buying it. I hope you are ok when your unwavering faith in a dishonest man is tested.

    I will thank you though. You helped me remember why I avoid political discussion online. It’s just folk spouting rhetoric without any interest in what others are saying. It’s the biggest waste of time, and it’s impact it’s miniscule.

      4 months ago

      Checking one word = hours of work? Stop bullshitting, man. The problem here is that you can’t get your facts or your argument straight, and your inability to do the bare minimum research is indicative of the broader problem you have.

      Again, acknowledging the possibility that we can’t accurately predict the future is not ‘gaslighting’ and it also makes it very clear that I don’t have unwavering faith in Starmer or Labour to deliver. If I did, I would have assumed that they’re going to win, because that’s a precondition for delivering anything. I have also repeatedly made it clear that I am not confident they’ll be able to deliver on one of their key policies. The fact that you feel able to gloss this as ‘unwavering faith’ is yet another indication that you are not rooting your argument in anything resembling the facts.

      If your definition of leftwing doesn’t include social democrats, that means it doesn’t include, e.g., Clement Attlee or FDR, and thereby excludes historic achievements like the NHS or the New Deal from being considered left wing victories. This is yet another idea you have introduced that is impossible to reconcile with the rest of your argument. Again, man, the slightest bit of thought, rather than screaming over-reactions, would be really helpful and might even make conversations like this a productive use of your time.

      If you could refrain from constantly introducing irrelevancies, that might also be helpful. This started as a conversation about whether you could vote for hung parliaments and is now a conversation about the history and nature of left wing politics. This is because you kept asking more questions, which anyone can see that I have answered, despite your insistence that I haven’t. Indeed, it’s difficult to see how I could have made you sick with my answers while also not answering you.

      If I can suggest another hypothetical conversation: one person is screaming ‘You make me sick! Nobody’s really left wing apart from me!’ and another is saying things like, ‘We cannot predict the future, so I might be wrong, but here’s what I think based on X, Y, Z’ – would you really find the first person more persuasive?