A public CPU benchmark result suggests Pico 4S will have the same chipset as Meta Quest 3, but paired with more RAM. The Geekbench result, brought to our attention by VR enthusiast Luna, shows a headset codenamed Pico A9210 with two 2.05 GHz cores and four 2.36 GHz cores. This is exactly what shows up for Quest 3 on Geekbench too. The scores are also very similar between the headsets, with Quest 3 having 20% higher single-core performance and 5% higher multli-core performance. This won’t necessarily be the case for the device itself however, as running sideloaded 2D Android apps to benchmark a standalone headset is not a reliable technique. When using a 2D app in the home space the operating system will rarely set the CPU clock speed to anywhere near its maximum, and the home space and interface itself use some performance.