• Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.net
    19 days ago

    The issue with those games is what can you do with them that feels NEW?

    Nintendo, for all its faults, doesn’t want to drag IP through the mud unless it has a notable idea that actually improves and elevates the gameplay. FZero BR is the most notable example of this, an actually tangible addition to the gameplay that makes it feel new and different.

    @Nakoichi@hexbear.net says this is capitalism but I’d argue that this is actually still a vestige of some of the executive people at Nintendo genuinely caring about making good content still, unlike western companies where the entire executive suites are now made of people who do not play games and are not interested in making good games but instead making money. They’re sitting on these things because what you can add to “on rails shooter” and “sci fi racing game with crashes” is limited or already done.

    • ssj2marx@lemmy.ml
      19 days ago

      what can you do with them that feels NEW

      This is why I say that Nintendo should work with other studios more often. Just because Shigeru Miyamoto can’t think of anything doesn’t mean that nobody else has any good ideas - and hell, sometimes the most fresh idea is to do what was done before but with more polish. That’s what F Zero GX was to F Zero X and that remains one of the greatest racers of all time - and that’s also what Star Fox fans clearly want but that Nintendo refuses to deliver on.